
How I can help

Depression’s grip can leave us feeling isolated and lost, affecting our thoughts, emotions, and actions. But there’s a way out, and it starts with recognizing the signs: persistent sadness, energy depletion, changes in sleep patterns, and more. I use a Solution-focused approach that offers a beacon of hope. Together, we’ll uncover your strengths and victories, crafting achievable goals and strategies to illuminate your path. Imagine a life where depression no longer reigns – where you’re in control, shaping your narrative. It’s a journey of resilience, empowerment, and possibility. Reach out today to take that courageous step toward reclaiming your life from depression’s shadow. If you’re ready to make a change, regain control, and find joy again, let’s connect and begin your journey. Please feel free to contact me to set up a complimentary, no-obligation call here.

Grief &

Grief is a complex journey that encompasses deep sadness and mixed emotions, which can be guided towards healing remembrance. Amidst the weight of grief, a solution-focused approach offers a powerful tool for change. 

Stress &

Living with anxiety can be overwhelming and impact every aspect of your life. I believe in taking a proactive approach by preventing anxiety before it even starts so that you can live anxiety-free for good!

Trauma &

Trauma or difficult events from your life may be holding you back and leading you to rely on harmful coping mechanisms. You may also have developed irrational fears or phobias as a result.


Anger, a powerful emotion, can manifest in various ways, from irritability and frustration to explosive outbursts. A solution-focused approach offers a pathway for transforming anger into positive growth.


Depression’s grip can leave us feeling isolated and lost, affecting our thoughts, emotions, and actions.I use a Solution-focused approach that offers a beacon of hope. Imagine a life where depression no longer reigns

BrainWorking Recursive Therapy

A quick, effective and long lasting form of psychotherapy that drastically reduces the number of sessions for most issues. It is not unusual to fix long standing problems in a single session.

Online Therapy

Online therapy eliminates distance as a barrier to change. With diverse methods like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT), I provide sessions tailored precisely to your unique needs.

The Wellbeing Project

Imagine being able to…be in control of your emotions, set goals and actually achieve them, enjoy your food and take pleasure in healthy meals, wake up every day feeling in love with yourself!

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